+ What is home staging?

Home staging is a service which helps homeowners prepare and present their property for sale in order to attract the largest pool of potential buyers. The professional service often includes the design and placement of furniture and accessories to enhance the overall appeal to target buyers.

+ Is home staging tax deductible?

As with other costs associated with the sale of a home, staging costs are deductible from the liable capital gains total- as long as it is your primary residence and not a flip or rental property. Staging costs are in the same bucket as other selling costs like legal fees, escrow fees, advertisitng costs, and real estate agent cmomissions. Check with your CPA to see how this applies in your specific situation.

+ Do staged homes sell for more money?

On average, staged homes sell for 6 - 20% more when compared to homes that were not staged.

+ How does staging work?

Home staging is effective because its purpose is to help emphasize a property's strenghts and minimize its weaker features. It allows the home to be shown at its maximum potential and helps buyers visualize living in the home. A properly staged home presents well both online and in person. It creates a lasting postive first impression and helps buyers quickly make the emotional connection needed to make an offer.

+ Is there supporting data?

Yes! Year after year home staging continues to grow momentum because the real estate community is seeing the results and benefits for both sellers and buyers. A 2015 study by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) found 83% of buyers' agents said staging a home made it easier for abuyer to visualize the property as a future home. Buyers were more willing to walk through a home they saw online and indetnfied that staging positively impacted the home's value. A 2017 report by the NAR found that 50% of REALTOR®s think staging increases the dollar amount buyers will offer to pay between 1 and 10%. Homes that are staged first before listing spend 90% less time on the market. In 2019, another NAR study showed that the majority of agents polled believed that home staging increaes the dollar amount that buyers are willing to pay for a home. The Real Estate Staging Association (RESA) also found that homes that are staged before listing spend 86% less time on the market.

+ Is staging worth it?

Yes. Staing your home is typically significantly less than the average price reduction. If your goal is to sell your home very quickly for the most money possible, then it is worth the investment. The alternative is the house takes longer to sell, which could put you in a spot where you are paying for two, or it sells for less than you wanted. Check out the Staging Savings Calculator.

+ Can I stage my home myself?

Professionally staged homes sell 88% faster and for up to 20% more compared to homes that are not professionally staged. Visit https://www.realtor.com/advice/sell/how-much-does-home-staging-cost/ for more information.

+ Why should I hire a professional?

The following article offers detailed insight on this question: https://www.homelight.com/blog/professional-home-staging/

+ Who pays for home staging?

It is typical for your real estate agent to pay for an initial staging consultation. Full service staging is often paid by the owner. Our most frequent scenarios are: home seller pays all; real estate agent pays for a consultation; real estate agent reimburses the home seller at closing for an agreed amount; the real estate agent pays all or part of the staging. More and more agents are covering the cost of home staging consultations, leaving any further investment up to the home seller.

+ As a REALTOR®, why should I Pay for home staging or a consultation?

More and more agents are investing in home staging. With little money up front, you should be able to list the property for more and sell faster. Selling the home for faster and more money will be great for you and your client because everyone gets paid faster. It also lowers marketing expenses for you and holding costs for your client. Even if if doesn't make a substancial difference in commission, it certainly makes for faster sales, happier clients, and more refferals.

+ Can the REALTOR® do the staging?

It is always beneficial and more effective to hire the right professional for the job. If your REALTOR® wouldn't suggest you list as For Sale By Owner (FSBO), then it's probably not a good idea for your REALTOR® to do the staging themselves. Further more, as a REALTOR® you may wish to avoid having those difficult conversations about cleaning, ordors, pets, animal heads and the like to maintain a the relationship with your client you've worked so hard to build. Besides, a REALTOR®'s time is bet spent markeing listings and closing transactions than it is transforming interior furnishings and arrangements.

+ How much does home staging cost?

Home staging is a small investment that produces big results! If the home is vacant (empty) the size of your home and how many rooms you would like to stage are the key factors in determinging the investment. Our pricing structure allows us to bring in as much or as little as your room needs to create the perfect space to wow your buyer. If someone will be living in your home while it's on the market, it is reccomended that you start with a consultation. For as little as $199, you can get a room by room action plan from a certified professional stager. If you need hands on assistance, we have services for that too.

+ Does every room need to be staged?

In an occupied home, every room should be staged for a consistent look-and-feel throughout. For vacant homes, it's critical to stage the main rooms, awakward spaces, and any areas that add value to the sale price which will vary based on location, buyer demographic, and current market. When rooms are left empty or undone, buyers may wonder if the seller has already moved out or is depareate to sell and encouraging low offers.

+ Can I pay for staging at closing?

Yes, the fees for staging expenses can be rolled in with the fees for selling the home using a third party provider such as Zoom Casa. Visit https://zoomcasa.com for more information.

+ I can't afford to pay out of pocket for staging.

You can negotiate with your real estate agent to cover the cost of this for you, or you can use a third party provider such as Zoom Casa to cover the cost up front and arrange for it to come out of closing later. Visit fees for staging expenses can be rolled in with the fees for selling the home using a third party provider such as Zoom Casa. Visit https://zoomcasa.com for more information. ### I know I want to stage my home, but where do I start? Homes that are staged first before listing spend 90% less time on the market. Before you get started, you will need to determine when you want your home to go on the market and then allow anywhere from 4-6 weeks to get on the calendar for your chosen staging prfessional to come out to do the initial consultation and subsequently implement their designs. The peak season for home sales is between May and July, which is when staging professionals are busiest.

+ What's the difference between staging and decorating?

Staging is NOT decorating. Staging is about appealing to the massess not customozing to the single customer therefore by nature staging it should be more science than art. Decorating is about meeting the needs of individual clients' personal style, taste, and how they will be using the space. Staging is about appealing to the largest and most likely group of potential buyers, A well-staged home will photography beautifully and will lead buyers through a home while naturally highlighting the features and benefits it has to offer. ### Do I HAVE to stage my home? Research has shown that the majority of home buyers have a difficult time envisioning the space and often annot properly judge the size of an empty room and what it can hold. Staging helps the buyer see the possibilities. If the home will be occupied (owner still living in it) while on the market, it is beneficial to consult with a professional stage prior to listing the home to determine what can be done to make the home present it's very best. Professional stages can reccomend some improvements or updates that can have big payoffs and help with the placement of your belongings.

+ Do you own any available inventory to rent out?

Yes, we offer a wide selection of the latest styles of furniture, accessories, artwork, rugs, lighting, and more. We keep stay on top of the current trends and bring you the latest looks at a rate you can afford.

+ Is any of your staging inventory for sale?

Occasionally we will sell our designs or items to interested home buyers, but we are not int he business of selling furniture.

+ How long does it take to stage a home?

This varies based on the service you select, size of your home and scope of work. After inital pre-listing prep work, an average occupied home can be staged in 8 hours or less. A vacant home can be staged in 16-18 hours or 2 days. If you plan to stage a vacant home, it is best to call the stager at least 2-3 weeks prior to listing.

+ Are you licensed and insured?

Yes, Capital City Interiors LLC is licensed and fully-insured. We take every precaution to insure we treat your home with the utmost care.

+ What kinds of home projects can you help me with?

Interior redesign, organizing, and new home/move-in decorating. Personal shopping and prouduct sourcing. Paint color reccomendations. Furniture arrangment, placement and accessorizing. Flooring, appliance, fixture, hardware, wall covering & furnishing selections.

+ What is included in my curated shopping list?

We create a unique and simple shopping list with all items from your chosen design concpet. All items are purchased through Capital City Interiors, LLC. We handle the ordering and shippment details of the items.

+ What is an inspirational moodboard?

We design a bespoke concpet with your decor ideas and color scheme of your spcae tailored to your style and budget.

+ What is the difference between an interior designer and interior decorator, and which are you?

Capital City Interiors, LLC falls under the "decorator" category. You may hear these terms interchangeably. These two are different professions, despite some degree of corssover. An interior designer often works with architects and builders for the creation or modification of spaces involving construction. Interior decorators, such as Capital City Interiors LLC, focus on the materials, furnishings and decor of the completed space. Our inovlvement in the construction/renovation process is exclusive to the selection of materials, appliances, fixtures, and other items. We do not offer offer drawings, architectual space planning, or project management services.